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What Does the Bible Say About..Intersexed People?

What does the bible say about hemaphrodites? How can God create both sexes in one body and command them to follow the rules of the bible. Such as: one male and one female marriages, no homosexual intercourse. How can this be explained? How can this be explained?


The Bible does not address this condition (more properly termed “intersexed”). Particularly, since the Bible considers marriage to be a man with a woman (Genesis 2:23-24) it doesn’t address it.

The research I have done on intersexed individuals says that neither set of reproductive organs is functional, and in some cases there is not even a visible difference between an intersexed and non-intersexed male or female. In most cases either hormone therapy or an operation is recommended to enhance one aspect, usually to make the individual look more like the gender which they are genetically. That is, if an intersexed individual is genetically a female, then they may choose to undergo female hormone therapy or an operation to emphasize that gender. Whatever gender they choose will be the one they are considered. By the time they marry, most are one gender or the other. Few intersexed individuals choose not to choose a gender. So your question, in most cases, does not apply.

The other part of the answer is that God created male and female (Genesis 1:27). Intersexed individuals result from a genetic anomaly that is not the way God created people. That is not to say they are “freaks” or “strange” any more than persons born with retardation or genetic conditions such as albinism or hemophilia. Genetic error and mutation have resulted since the creation, so it is incorrect to say God “created” them intersexed.