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What Does the Bible Say About..Fairness?

It seems as though some people have longer than others to get saved and get their life together. In other words, when young people die or people die before the age of 30, it seems unfair--especially if they haven't accepted Christ. Yet, other people get 50, 60, 70 years to get their act together. The only thing that could explain this is Calvinism and the idea of predestination. Essentially, what I am asking is: Why does God give some people more time to get saves than others?


The logical fallacy in your argument is that it presupposes predestination, and then uses that to argue that the only solution to the problem is predestination. Naturally, if you assume the result as the starting point you will get the result you want at the end.

On the other hand, if you don’t start out assuming predestination then your conclusion is not tainted. In the argument you present, then, you would have to remove the assumption that God determines when people die. If people have free will, then some people will die as a result of their own or other people’s bad choices. If a teenager gets drunk, runs a car into a tree, and dies thereby, assume that it is through his bad choices and not because God made him get drunk. Then you come to the conclusion that some people have longer to decide to follow God because they have made better choices in life rather than that God gave them more time than that teenager. If you don’t start with the assumption that God dictates when people die, then you don’t have to accept that God chooses that one person will be saved and another be lost.

What seems to me to be unfair is Calvinism and predestination. Is it fair that God chooses who gets to be saved and we can do nothing to change his decision? Is it logical, much less fair, that God is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9) and yet he prevents some (against his own will) from coming to repentance? No, predestination is neither logical, fair, nor biblical. It forces one to conclude that God doesn’t care about fairness or about people, and that he cannot even do what he wants to do.

Fairness, incidentally, is really a fiction. It is impossible to define what is fair and what is not. Nothing is fair. What would be fair to one person is unfair to another. Fairness, like hot or cold, is a purely subjective concept that varies from person to person or situation to situation.